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Focus On - Lauren Otway, SSE Energy Solutions, Distributed Energy, Project Development Manager for Heat Networks

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Meet our SSE Energy Solutions experts

Lauren Otway, SSE Energy Solutions, Distributed Energy, Project Development Manager for Heat Networks

We caught up with Lauren Otway, SSE Energy Solutions, Distributed Energy, Project Development Manager for Heat Networks, to understand her views on some of the key topics of Decarbonising Heat.

Q. What is your role within SSE Energy Solutions Heat Team?

I am a Project Development Manager within the heat team at SSE Energy solutions. My role is to support the development of heat network projects by managing and bringing together a wide range of factors, including the design of the network, the business case and the contractual arrangements to deliver a network that meet carbon savings and low tariffs for customers.

Q. What other experience do you have in SSE?

I've been in this role for about a year and a half and previously had been on the SSE graduate scheme for 2 years where I did various rotations across the business before finding my project development role within the heat team.

Q. What do you find is a key challenge for businesses trying to reach net zero and decarbonise their operations?

A huge challenge for business trying to reach their net zero targets is their use of heat.

It can account for up to a third of carbon emissions so it’s a huge factor to consider for businesses when trying to reach net zero and decarbonise.

Q. Can you explain a little how heat networks can support the journey to net zero?

Heat networks are a fantastic solution to decarbonising our heat sources

They are are going to go from something that is currently on the edge infrastructure to something that will soon be central to the governments ambition of decarbonising the UK economy and reducing carbon in our cities

The heat networks industry has so far been fairly small but the introduction of zoning and sector regulation will ensure that heat networks will play a huge role in the future of delivering low carbon, affordable and reliable heat to customers.

Heat networks are a fantastic solution to decarbonising our heat sources

Lauren Otway
Project Development Manager for Heat Networks

Q. Can you tell us about a project you’ve worked on and why it was successful?

One of the benefits of working with SSE Energy Solutions is that we can provide investment to support the delivery of heat and cooling networks. I have worked on projects where we have provided support for grant funding applications and have been successfully awarded a number of grants to support projects and deliver heat networks

Q. How does Whole Systems thinking at SSE support your clients?

SSE Energy solutions has a really excellent portfolio of heat networks and we can provide support throughout the whole journey from feasibility, finance, design and build, commissioning and operation & maintenance and then our excellent customer services team.

so much experience and expertise across the team to be able to support with whatever is needed for our clients to deliver heat networks that meet decarbonisation targets. And we are also supported by the wider Energy Solutions business who can support with a range of infrastructure solutions that enable customers to reach their decarbonisation targets.