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Smart cities and places

SSE’s core business is energy and communications and is the best placed to guide you through your ‘smart technology journey’, from conception to delivery.

The World is changing

Net zero carbon and gigabit speeds for all are now targets, not dreams. Increased connectivity and technology can make our day-to-day life more efficient, sustainable and safe, delivering ‘smart services’ that drive down cost and improve efficiency.

Core challenges are the same

  • What are the commercial models that can make this new world a reality for me?
  • How to select the relevant smart services that fit my broader business objectives?
  • How to bring together the right mix of technical and financial partners to deliver my vision?
  • How to integrate what’s available to ensure outcomes are delivered and connected?

Our solution

SSE’s core business is energy infrastructure and communications and we will guide you through your ‘smart technology journey’, from conception to delivery. ‘Smart’, to SSE, means connecting assets together through platforms, allowing information to be gathered to get insights to help deliver customer outcomes.

We have over 40 years’ experience in asset development, and management. We deliver a wide range of energy services and are at the forefront in making these solutions smarter – smart buildings, smart street lighting, next generation solar, fibre in the sewer, smart grid, smart EV charging, energy as a service and smart city.

Utilising these tools, we will work in partnership with you to develop, fund, own and operate innovative, sustainable and smart solutions for cities and places – understanding your challenges and goals, building the commercial models and the required delivery teams, bringing in funding and partners where appropriate.

SSE Energy Solutions has the expertise to find and deliver the best solution for you, allowing you to focus your resources where it is most needed to achieve your aims.

Solutions to help with Decarbonising Power

Sentinel Optical Sensor

We’ve developed a smart city solution in partnership with Intel and AAEON Technology: Sentinel optical sensor (Sentinel).

More on Sentinel Optical Sensor

Smart buildings

Smart control, management, and integration of building systems including HVAC, lighting, air quality, security, and energy usage

Healthcare Case Studies


Optimise the balance between demand and supply tailored for your organisation

More on SSE Enhance

Electricity networks

Find out how more sustainable energy systems will alter the current patterns of electricity demand and generation

More on electricity networks