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Person using SSE Energy Solutions' free carbon footprint calculator for UK businesses.

Carbon footprint calculator for UK businesses

homebusiness energy net zero hub carbon footprint calculator

Achieving net zero is becoming increasingly important for small business owners. That’s why we’ve created a free carbon footprint calculator for UK businesses.

Download the free carbon footprint calculator

If you’re serious about going on a journey to reduce your emissions, it’s important to understand what your carbon footprint looks like right now. But knowing what emissions you’re producing, and where you’re producing them, can be complex.

Our carbon footprint calculator is free to download and easy to use. As well as helping you identify and measure different emissions, the calculator will also tell you where you could make changes and reductions.

(The calculator will open as an Excel spreadsheet.)

Understanding your carbon emissions

Before you use the free carbon footprint calculator, you’ll need to gather your business’s carbon emissions data.

Your emissions come in all shapes and sizes, that’s why we convert them into what’s called a carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). We can then sort them into three types, or ‘Scopes’. Scope 1 is your company’s direct emissions, Scope 2 is your indirect emissions and Scope 3 emissions are produced by your business operations.

Watch the video to learn more about carbon emissions and how to recognise the difference between Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3. Or check out our FAQ section for more detailed explanations.

How to use the calculator

To get started, you’ll need your company’s energy bill. Then, you and your employees will fill out our free net zero survey which you can download for free here.

It’ll only take a few minutes to enter the data you collected from your energy bill and net zero survey. Your carbon footprint calculations will then automatically appear on Tab 2.

From there, it’s easy to report your carbon emissions data and tell your customers about your efforts using our free carbon emissions reporting template.

The video and FAQ section explains how to use the carbon footprint calculator in more depth.

Carbon footprint calculator FAQs

Need some help completing the carbon footprint calculator? Our frequently asked questions could hold the answer you’re looking for.